Friday, May 26, 2006

Volleyball Jump Suits


This picture is from Amerigo Vespucci to El Salto. Starting the Pyramid.

I am one of those people who spend every day in this place, and I even dare say that sometimes more than once a day. I live in Huechuraba 7 years ago and settled imprecionante as the Pyramid of advertising billboards. And this can be seen, going both north and south.

recently teamed an article in the newspaper El Mercurio talking about it. "... According to the concession contracts, in any urban highway billboards can be. However, as the fiscal belt, ie the public arena where the highway extends several feet beyond the track by their sides, same address of Transportation is responsible for delivering permits for billboards that now monopolize the sides of the highway Americo Vespucio Norte, particularly in the emerging Huechuraba. This has become an excellent deal for everyone, especially for this community, which is responsible for collecting fees for advertising permits. This community has no ordinance that restricts advertising on its main avenues ... "
¿Anybody can say they've done all this time with that money??

Beyond that, I would I can confirm that at least 1 time a week there is an accident in the Pyramid, some more serious than others, but they do exist. Do not be a cause of this accident that causes so much distraction gigantografía?


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